On My Way!

I can’t believe this day has finally arrived, but here it is!  Ryan and I are covering the boys with kisses, hopping a plane, and flying to Salt Lake City!  It’s our first time leaving our little guys overnight (let alone out of state!), and the first big trip we’ve taken alone since James was born.  It’s also my first time to attend a blogging conference (talk about baptism by fire!), so I am incredibly excited and incredibly anxious, too.  I haven’t flown in five years, and I’m a nervous flyer at that, but Ryan found a direct flight, so at least we won’t be hanging around airports all day.

I have no idea what to expect when we get there (they have this stuff called SNOW!?!), and I promise to take lots of notes and pictures, all for you.  My business cards are ready and I put together some great outfits, so I think I’m ready to go!

I’ve scheduled posts for your enjoyment throughout the rest of the week, and I’m hoping to return refreshed and inspired.

Here I go!  Wish me luck!

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