
Walking with Cake: Chinese Pistache Tree

(This Chinese Pistache tree grows behind our fence and is so beautiful in the fall.)

This post is a day early, but I’m busy preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow.  We’re hosting family and friends for a small and relaxed celebration, and I’ve been working all week to get everything ready. The boys are out of school and we’re enjoying the beautiful fall weather that has finally arrived in Austin.  There’s a Chinese Pistache tree that grows just beyond our back fence, and this time of year, the leaves turn fiery. It’s a beautiful sight and I enjoy seeing the tree through my windows while I’m working.

This week, we’ve already reunited with old friends and we’ll spend time with more friends and family soon, too. I’ve come to love the relaxed nature of Thanksgiving before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, and after a busy fall, it’s nice to have an entire week to relax and enjoy time together.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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