Fashion Revolution Day

Walking wiht Cake: FRD2015_socialmedia_logo_pink

(Image courtesy of Fashion Revolution.)

Today is Fashion Revolution Day, and this week’s links are inspired by the movement. It’s not too late to join in, so be sure to tag your favorite brands on social media with #FashRev to find out who made your clothes! Here are the ethical fashion posts that caught my eye this week, including many by fellow members of the Ethical Writers Coalition.

The survivors of Rana Plaza, two years later.

Passion Lilie shows us exactly who makes their clothes.

Grechen offers a Conscious Closet Challenge with prizes.

Eden is starting her Mindful Consumption Challenge for 2015. I participated last year and learned so much.

Elizabeth offers realistic ways to help change the fashion industry.

An online radio show dedicated to the truth behind your clothing.

“Serving others is serving ourselves.” Marci Zaroff on ethical fashion.

“There is no reason why we have to subjugate people or planet in an effort to put clothing on our back.” Sass Brown on the people behind our clothing.

Julia goes behind the scenes with fair trade company Liz Alig.

Alden asks online retailers to be honest with consumers and tell us the truth about the clothing we buy.

“The Last Millennial in the Garment District.” Alden examines the true cost of fashion made in the United States.

And Leah finds out who made her clothes.

I hope you find these links useful and inspiring. Have a wonderful weekend!

(I will be taking a blog break next week while my family is visiting. See you soon.)

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