Coffee Table Style

Since we found the perfect coffee table to withstand our little guys, I’ve dreamed of styling it beautifully, with books, flowers, and lovely objets d’art.  I found this Raffia Tray at West Elm, and it’s a wonderful way to bring a bit of interest to the table.  The natural material, combined with its geometric shape, is a nice dichotomy and works with the rest of the room.

Walking with Cake: Styled coffee table

(My styled coffee table.)

I added a few fashion and design books and topped them off with a bowl of freshly cut roses, which coordinate nicely with those precious pink knobs on the drawer and also pick up some of the colors from my rug.

But seriously, who am I kidding?  This little photo shoot was entirely staged, and while James and Rhys were playing outside in their sandbox one recent morning, I grabbed a few things from around the house and snapped a few pictures.  I wish my coffee table looked like this, and one day, it will.

For now, it looks like this.  My boys claimed that tray for their own the minute it arrived, and that was really its original purpose.

Walking with Cake: Boy style coffee table

(My coffee table, boy style.)

Someday, many years from now, I’ll have roses and vases and beautiful art books on display.  And I’ll miss the trucks and puzzle pieces and random bits that my boys collect, so I’m choosing to treasure those objects now.

Since someday, they’ll be gone.

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