The View From Here: My Least Favorite Part of Blogging
Last week, Shayla and I talked about our favorite part of blogging, so it’s only fair to address the flip side of that question this week.
Today’s question is: What Is Your Least Favorite/Most Challenging Part of Blogging?
I can answer this in one word: photography.
I know, I can hear everyone booing in the background, but I have a definite love/hate relationship with photography. On one hand, I love it, and enjoy looking at photographs and learning about the work of well-known photographers. I understand the need for decent photographs on my blog, and last year, I started a one-woman campaign to persuade Ryan that we really needed a DSLR to replace our old digital camera. My efforts were successful, we got the camera, I took a couple short classes (one from a photographer friend), and I attempt to take good (or fairly good) pictures for my blog posts.
On the other hand, photography stresses me out to no end. I spend weekends trying to get good shots, with Ryan shouting, “Tripod!” in the background as I try to ignore his advice. I’ve never read my camera’s manual (so sorry, Shayla!), and to be totally honest, I have no idea what I’m doing. I know where to put the dials to get an okay shot, but if Ryan messes with things for his own blog, then I run to him, whining, and ask him to put things back to normal for me.
I’m a photography drop-out, and I feel okay admitting this. You know how much I love to write, and especially on my old blog, I wrote long posts without a single picture included. I challenge myself to take pictures now, and I know they add some aesthetic value and readability to my blog. But photography just doesn’t come naturally to me.
It never has, and as hard as I try (or as hard as I say I try), I don’t think it ever will. But you know that taking my own photographs for this blog is important to me, and I strive to use my own original work in each post, clearly crediting photos that are not mine. I hope that my desire for accuracy and originality will override my lack of photography skills, and maybe you’ll cut me a little slack, too.
My heart’s in the right place, I think, and I can only get better with practice, but I don’t think I’ll ever really feel at home behind the lens of a camera.
I’d love to hear your least favorite part of blogging, and feel free to be as candid as me. I know for certain that Shayla will have a different answer this time, since she is a trained photographer who has really encouraged me. Please visit her blog to read her response.
***Oh, and BIG congratulations to Shayla and her husband on their upcoming arrival later this year! I’m incredibly thrilled for her!

[…] sure to check out Catherine’s answers! And as always, I’m thrilled to have people chime in in the […]
Truthfully I only skimmed my manual once. 🙂 For the most part I have become a lazy photographer and just shoot on aperture mode! Lately I’ve been relying on my iPhone again, maybe too much, but so many of my photographer friends are doing the same thing for on the fly stuff.
I have definitely noticed your photography is getting so good! If it’s a challenge, you’re doing an awesome job of surmounting it.
Yeah, but you don’t need the manual! Thanks for the compliment! I’m trying, and the perfectionist in me sort of demands good photographs. Also, it helps that Ryan takes some of my pictures, too. 🙂
[…] those details truly come across, and now I need to work on my photography (see how this ties into yesterday’s post?), to make things as pretty as […]