This and That

Walking with Cake: 100 Days Heart

(James’ project to celebrate his 100th day of school. He came up with the idea all by himself.)

This was a good week. I felt a little sick Monday and Tuesday, but soon recovered, and I’ve been working on a few behind-the-scenes details for my online store. I’m getting really excited about that, and I hope to share more with you as it develops. This weekend, I’m looking forward to warmer weather and a few family activities. Here are some things that caught my eye this week.

A video depicting “One Size Fits All” clothing, on different body types.

Another video depicting standards of beauty through the centuries.

And while we’re on the subject, this “plus-size” model is the first to appear in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition for 2015.

But this “plus-size” model only appears in an ad within the magazine.

A lovely boutique featuring ethical clothing by well-known designers, as well as the store’s own designs.

And’s founder has some inspiring words, despite a recent struggle.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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