
(James trying out his new bike on Christmas morning.)

I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions, and, to be perfectly honest, I don’t really see the point of them.  I don’t mean that to sound condescending, especially when everyone is writing about their goals for the year, and I’ve been thinking a lot about why I feel this way.  It finally occurred to me this week that, because I was a student for so many years, and then subsequently, a teacher, I’ve become used to the idea of the new year starting in late August/early September, so that seems like a natural time to plan and prepare, for me at least.

August First of last year marked the day I moved to my self-hosted blog here, and it felt like the right time to start something new.  I started 2012 with a major home renovation that was lovely when completed, but left me without a project to focus upon, so I soon found myself in a rut.  When I ran across the opportunity to take a blogging class last summer, I shrugged my shoulders and thought, “Why not?”

It wasn’t planned at all, and I felt afraid that I was getting in way over my head.  But that experience lit a fire within me that had grown cold long ago, and six months later, here I am.  Regularly writing a blog, making friends and connections across the world, contributing to other blogs, and attending a major blog conference in just a few short weeks.  I didn’t expect any of that last January, and I couldn’t even see beyond all the dust and paint chips filling my head then.  But I guess that’s how things go.

Sure, I’ve got big hopes and dreams for my tiny blog, but I’m so thrilled with the way things are now that I’m content to just keep peddling along, like James on his new bike.  I might try growing out my hair this year (maybe, we’ll see…), and I know I need to get more exercise.  I can’t decide if I should add texture to the white space on my blog (you wouldn’t believe how much time I spend thinking about this!), and maybe I’ll bug Shayla for a new header one day down the road.

But for now, I like the way things are, and I hope to keep coasting for a while longer.

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